Roses for your Garden

Martin’s Garden Notes

Plant your roses in an open sunny area. Roses need more fertility than most plants because they grow so much. Follow package instructions on your rose food preparation. Add lime to maintain a pH of about 6.5. Spry insects as you see them. Spray the leaves with a fungicide before problems start. Remove old blooms to encourage more to develop.


Hybrid Teas:  These are the classic roses that produce large blooms on long stems. Most will bloom repeatedly all summer. They are great for cutting. Not much bloom at any one time. Good for cutting.

Floribunda:  Floribunda are shrubby and display numerous small blooms in clusters. Most bloom all summer. The “Carefree” and “knockout” series are especially effective.  

Grandiflora:  Large clustered blooms displayed on tall vigorous plants. For cutting or show.

Climbers:  Train the long canes of climbers on a structure. The 1 and 2 year old branches are the most productive. Most repeat blooms all summer.

Island Garden Shop, Inc.
54 Bristol Ferry Rd.
Portsmouth, RI 02871